Thursday, March 10, 2011


We need people to host sites for the CANAAN RAINBOW RUN Easter Sunday :

the Rainbow Run is basically a scavenger hunt, where the participating site profiles will hide as many rainbow icons (we’ll give you the image code, and the site hrefs to go with them, a day or so before) around their pet and personal profiles as they wish – each one leads somewhere else, and if people follow them all the way through, they’ll find the “pot of gold”... or in this case the Big Basket of Bunny Joy.
(we have been informed that a special Easter-themed Collectible will go to the victor!)

being a site would not keep you from playing, either – there will be enough sites that it won’t give that much of an advantage, plus we will have two other events going on at the same time. none of them are time-sensitive, so people with obligations and/or in other time zones can enjoy them as well.

this will also give shelters a chance to showcase their operation, and the pets they have for placement.

anyone interested can either post here, or message me at Born2CanaanCatHaven…thanks!

(don't forget to spread the word about this and our St Pat's events!)

1 comment:

  1. Sign me up! :)I'd be glad to participate as a host site if you need me to as well. I'm not a shelter or a very large profile, but just let me know if you need an extra host :)
